A Study Across Different Cultures, Educational Systems and Populations





2nd Student Exchanges (Lithuania): "Reflections of Students"

2nd Student Exchanges meeting of our Erasmus+ project entitled “Reflections of Students” was held in Radviliškis-Lithuania
1st May Monday
Meeting in the gymnasium
Tour in the gymnasium
Creating emotions using LEGO bricks
Orientation game in town (students)
My emotions (teachers)
Soap therapy
2nd May Tuesday
Classes of robotics (group 1)
Classes of future engineering (group 2)
Classes of robotics (group 2)
Classes of future engineering (group 1)
Trip to the Hill of Crosses and free time in ŠiauliaiForum Theatre (students)
3rd May Wednesday
Trip to Kaunas college
Robotics at Kaunas college
Vilnius museum of Energetics and technologies
Sightseeing/dinner in Vilnius
4th May Thursday
Preparation for Robotics competition
Competition of Robotics.
Part 1Competitions of Robotics.
Part 2Folk party with Lithuanian folk group “Aidija”
5th May Friday
visit to Burbiškiai manor
Reflection  and certificationSTEAM
classes: chemistry and biology (teachers)