2nd TT Meeting in Deventer
The 2nd TT meeting of our Erasmus+ project entitled “Mindfulness and Awareness” was held in Deventer, Netherlands. Teaching staff, school administrators, and teachers from Turkey, Netherlands, Lithuania, Italy, Portugal, and Romania participated.
DAY 1:
Irene Weerkamp from Drawing to Health, the researcher of the project, gave the opening speech. She continued with the activities “Art for soft skills”, “Social and Emotional Learning”, and “Social Skills Analyzing with Drawing Assessments “. After the activities, the first day was concluded with the “Introduction of Dutch culture” activity.
DAY 2:
The second day started with sharing experiences by all partners about the role of robotics in social and emotional learning. It continued with the presentations titled “Emotions and robotics with video analytics” by Assoc Dr. Gökhan Akçapınar and “Self Regulation versus Self Organisation” and “Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and robotics” by Prof. Piet Kommers.
DAY 3:
On the third day, presentations and activities were conducted about “Inclusive education and robotics: How can robotics be used for inclusive education / Special Needs” by Irene Weerkamp, Menno Both, and RobotWise team members. The day was concluded with the future projection with all partners.
DAY 4:
The University of Twente and Tetem were visited in Enschede.
DAY 5:
A cultural tour (Amsterdam) was conducted.
“Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”
ERASMUS+ KA201 Strategic Partnerships for School Education 2020-1-TR01-KA201-094326
© 2021 www.welcomemotions.org
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